As professionals, whether teachers, psychologists, behavior analysts, evaluators, or others who work with people on the autism spectrum, we need to increase our awareness of the difference between autistic boys and men and autistic girls and women. One excellent way to do this is to listen to and [More...]
Taming the Fear BEAST
If Your Student is Fearful… Do you have a student or client who is afraid many things? Fear can be a real beast, but it's possible to tame that beast. Here are my tips to share with your fearful kids. (Modify the language to fit the child's age and communicative ability.) 1. BREATHE. When you [More...]
FOR PROFESSIONALS February, National Heart Awareness Month, is a good time for medical professionals to take a look at supporting autistic adults in maintaining healthy hearts. But how easy is that? Many physicians specialize in their own particular field, and a cardiologist does not necessarily [More...]
Your Autistic Student’s Specialized Interest: Don’t Lose it, Use it. Some professionals have tried to put on extinction, or eliminate, an autistic student’s “obsessions” or specialized interests. Perhaps they believed that the interest interfered with learning. Maybe they feared it might lead [More...]