For most of us, the holiday season has been filled with busy-ness. Even fun, happy stress is stressful. Now that the break is over and we're back at work, we feel the need to hit the ground running, solving all the problems, putting out all the fires. In the midst of all that fire-fighting, we can [More...]
Student Gifts For Their Parents: Make Someone Happy!
If you work with very young children, you are probably planning to have your students make Christmas or Hanukkah presents for their parents. The younger they are, the less able they are to initiate making or buying gifts themselves, so I'm glad you help them with this holiday tradition. Your help [More...]
STUDIES IN GRATITUDE for professionals
Have you heard about the studies on the positive effects of saying "Thank you?" It's pretty interesting, and easy enough to practice. Two of the major researchers in this field are Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of [More...]
Lucky or Plucky?
Using CBT to Change Locus of Control Are our most successful students just plain lucky? Or are they plucky – resilient, determined in the face of difficulty, with a strong belief that by their own actions they can make a difference in their own lives? Locus of control is a person’s belief [More...]