I know many of you already know and love Ellen Notbohm’s classics, Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew (2005) and Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew (2006). If you haven’t read these books yet, stop right now and go read them. Notbohm’s book that I’m writing about today, The Autism Trail Guide: Postcards from the Road Less Traveled (2007), has been around for a decade but is still just as timely as ever. Notbohm writes as a parent who has walked that path. She knows all the twists and turns, the difficult uphill trudges, the gentle slopes, and the unexpected beauty to be found along the way. She has a parent-to-parent voice that makes you want to keep turning pages. The journey starts Where the Road Begins, and then goes on through Postcards from the Front Lines, Postcards from the Schoolroom, Postcards from the Homefront, and Postcards from the Heart. You may recognize your own child and experiences in this trail guide, and, like me, add this to your list of favorite books for parents and teachers. I highly recommend The Autism Trail Guide for anyone who loves, lives with, or teaches a child on the autism spectrum. You can learn more about Ellen, check out her past and upcoming books, and find links to purchase them at www.ellennotbohm.com.