People often ask me what the letters RSD after my name stand for, so I thought I’d let you know.
I hold a Religious Studies Doctorate (RSD) in Pastoral Counseling with specialization in counseling individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. I earned my RSD through Emerson Theological Institute. Here I am with President Rev. Dr. Angelo Pizelo, receiving my diploma. (He and his wife and colleague Stella Pizelo are among my favorite people!)
My work on this degree required the prerequisite completion of a Master’s degree from an accredited university, and included six years of directed reading, writing, and studying. For my individualized program I also completed an internship supervised by a clinical psychologist, and I became a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). After all of that, I wrote an extensive, in-depth two-part culmination project in lieu of dissertation.
I learned a lot during those six years, about myself as well as about my field of study. I am proud of my RSD. By the way, I occasionally have the privilege of speaking in church. Here’s a brief clip from my sermon at Morningside United Methodist Church in Salem, Oregon on 1/22/2017.